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Work Related, Keep it Professional

 Britney Spears - Work Bitch or Work... Beach

Jessie J - Masterpiece  - nice idea

Fifth Harmony - Work from Home ft. Ty Dolla $ign  - ish - put in the work

The Bangles - Manic Monday wish it was Sunday? ihm

Dolly Parton - 9 To 5 not motivating

Eminem - Lose Yourself - get into flow

Sneaker Pimps - Spin Spin Sugar - I want perfection - a bit too much! but worth aiming for,
shoot for the moon, land in the stars

Sia - The Greatest - free to be greatest 

Katy Perry - Roar, selfspeech sau cum sa te imbeti cu apa rece

Esser - Work It Out

Alesha Dixon - The Boy Does Nothing

Missy Elliott - Work It 

Rihanna - Work (Explicit) ft. Drake - not very professional but work related

Hess Is More - Yes Boss - not very professional but work related

Jennifer Lopez, Maluma - Pa Ti not very professional but office space

2024.09.12 Beyoncé - Formation - I slay


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