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The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist

The Roots - The Seed 

Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage

Emir Kusturica - Pitbull Terrier
I'm willful and I'm skillful
I'm d-d-d-delightful
And I find myself mixed
Between beauty and the beast

Kill them quick that's my motto
Than police take a photo
Than police take a photo
On a sunny side of street

The wolf I like the most
He refused to be a dog
He refused to be a dog
Just like Lesi was

Just show me a bloke
And in seconds I'll choke
In second like tomato
Like tomato I'll squeeze

I'm a pitbull! (Terrier)
Pitbull! (Terrier)
I'm a pitbull! (Terrier)
Pitbull! (Terrier)

I never feel sadness
I never feel pain
With my cunning and with my stealth
I don't need a brain

I'm hit and I'm fit
And I never never quit
When I bleed I bleed
Like James Cagny on the screen

I shit and I spit
And I never never quit
I am proud and I happy
'Cos I am not a human been

I'm a pitbull! (Terrier)
Pitbull! (Terrier)
I'm a pitbull! (Terrier)
Pitbull! (Terrier)

Camille - Les ex

and all about that... Jazz

mysterious smile, fastest inline skates, most sudden breaks by jumping on the spot like a skier,
my feelings, my waiting, my nights in the park with the youngsters, my... nothing really happened

Lamb - Gorecki
If I should die this very moment
I wouldn't fear
For I've never known completeness
Like being here
Wrapped in the warmth of you
Loving every breath of you
Still my heart this moment
Oh it might burst
Could we stay right here
Till the end of time until the earth stops turning
Wanna love you until the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
All this time I've loved you
And never known your face
All this time I've missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
Here my heart knows calm
Safe in your soul
Bathed in your sighs
Wanna stay right here
Till the end of time
Till the earth stops turning
Gonna love you until the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
All I've known
All I've done
All I've felt was leading to this
All I've known
All I've done
All I've felt was leading to this
Wanna stay right here
Till the end of time till the earth stops turning
Gonna love you till the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
Wanna stay right here
Till the end of time 'till the earth stops turning
Gonna love you till the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
The one I've waited for

It was lovely not sleeping in your arms

Camille - Ta Douleur
Spike - Rockstar (2020)

Alexandrina - Printre Flori & co Marshmello x Jonas Brothers - Leave Before You Love Me


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