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Sam Smith - Lose You - Illustrated Videos

 Sam Smith - Lose You ilustrat de Loreta Isac - Cojocaru

"I'm so happy to share my latest project Commissioned by Apple and Sam Smith for the new song "Lose You” !The lyrics feel like an ode to someone who is ready to do what's right for love. So the visual story is a dance between reality and imagination. I embraced this project with all my joy, and created it entirely on iPad Pro. All illustration and animation within Procreate, because I really love the textures and feel comfortable with the app. And all edited in Alight Motion."

Alte video cu ilustrații, in ordinea in care mi le-am amintit:

Ed Sheeran - Perfect [Official Lyric Video]

Kelly Clarkson - My Favorite Things (Lyric Video)

Lost Frequencies & Netsky - Here With You  

 Melanie B - Word Up  

Cibelle - Green Grass

Kwoon - I lived on the Moon

Tom Waits Rotoscope “The One That Got Away” (by John Lamb, 1979)

Daft Punk - One More Time

Zero 7 - Destiny ft. Sia, Sophie Barker

Mix illustrated and real:

Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract

A-ha - Take On Me

Pink Floyd - The Wall 


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